8. 9. – 1. 11. 1944 - The battle of the Dukla Pass
8. 9. 1944-28. 10. 1944
Articles (297)
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Alla Boroličová
* 1922
Gabriela Borošová
* 1962
Switzerland, Hungary, Russia, Witnesses of local events connected to WWII, Svědci lokálních událostí z éry komunismu
and 1 more categories
First Lieutenant (ret.) Vladimír Bouz
* 1924 †︎ 2014
Corporal Václav Bouzek
* 1923 †︎ 2014
Corporal Josef Brabec
* 1924 †︎ 2015
First Lieutenant Josef Brabenec
* 1921 †︎ 2004
Richard Brhlík
* 1938
Veteran of WW2, western front, Veteran of WW2, eastern front, Veteran of WW2, Middle East, Emigrant, Israel/Palestine
and 3 more categories