They made fun of me for being named after Hitler

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Adolf Černý was born in February 1942 in Darová in the Rokycany region. Before the war, his father was a professional soldier, but at the time of his birth he was fully deployed in the company Škoda Plzeň. After the war, he returned to the army for a while and served in the repair department of the American garrison in Stříbro. Adolf spent most of his life in Jablonec nad Nisou. Due to the local tradition of jewellery making, he also got a specialised training as his parents wished. Although he was successful in his work, he did not enjoy working in the field very much. During the war in the early 1960s, he experienced a state of emergency during the Cuban and Berlin crises. After returning to civilian life, he joined Severočeské papírenské závody as a driver, where he remained until the beginning of the 1990s, already in the position of sales director. He was a member of the Communist Party and secretary of the district national committee. He now runs a business and has his own cardboard company. He is critical of the post-November development, especially privatization.