Zora Sigalová * 1938 National minorities, Czech minority in the former Yugoslavia, Re-emigration of Czechs after 1945 25. 2. 1948 - Communist coup d‘état in ČSR, 1991 - 1995 - Croatian War of Independence
Professor, colonel Jože Sivaček * 1954 Czech minority in the former Yugoslavia, Czech minority in the Serbia
Františka Skoupá * 1920 Czech minority in the former Yugoslavia, Czech minority in the Serbia, Re-emigration of Czechs after 1945, Sokol, Witnesses of local events connected to WWII and 1 more categories 1. 9. 1939 - The outbreak of the WW2, 6. 4. - 17. 4. 1941 Dubnová válka (Německý útok na Jugoslávii) , 8. 5. 1945 - End of WWII, 25. 2. 1948 - Communist coup d‘état in ČSR
Ing. Václav Šrámek * 1927 †︎ 2018 Czech minority in the former Yugoslavia, Lidé pomáhající partyzánům během 2. svět. války, Participant in antifascist resistance, Re-emigration of Czechs after 1945, Boy Scouts and 1 more categories 15. 3. 1939 - The Nazi occupation of ČSR, 1948 - 1955 - Tito - Stalin split
Vedunka Stehlíková Režná * 1927 Czech minority in the former Yugoslavia, Repatriated, Relatives of important personalities 1944 - 1945 - The liberation of Czechoslovakia
Drahuška Šulentićová * 1935 National minorities, Czech minority in the former Yugoslavia, Witnesses of local events connected to WWII 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, 8. 5. 1945 - End of WWII, 1991 - 1995 - Croatian War of Independence
Captain (ret.) Vladimír Vaňous * 1927 †︎ unknown Czech minority in the former Yugoslavia, Lidé pomáhající partyzánům během 2. svět. války, National minorities, The Partisan, Repatriated and 5 more categories 6. 4. - 17. 4. 1941 Dubnová válka (Německý útok na Jugoslávii) , 8. 5. 1945 - End of WWII, 25. 2. 1948 - Communist coup d‘état in ČSR, 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, 17. 11. - 29. 12. 1989 - The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia
Ana Vodvárková * 1952 Czech minority in the former Yugoslavia, National minorities 1991 - 1995 - Croatian War of Independence