One almost forgot how to speak after those months in solitary confinement
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Stanislav Fajman was born on September 25, 1924 in Košice, a year later the family moved to Poděbrady. In the winter of 1940, he wanted to go through Slovakia, Hungary and Yugoslavia to join the foreign army in the West, but he was detained by German soldiers at the Vlarský pass. He first travelled to Zlín for questioning, then was transferred to Uherské Hradiště and then to Špilberk in Brno, where he spent three months. In April 1940, he was deported to Prague and the court sent him to prison for a year and a half. He served his sentence in the penitentiary in Bautzen (Budyšín). According to him, he spent most of his time in solitary confinement. He was released on July 2, 1941. He then worked as a mechanic and in 1944 was forced to work in the city of Trebbin bei Berlin at the Daimler-Benz company in the aircraft engine factory. After a while, he decided to flee to the protectorate, but he was detained in Poděbrady and the labour office again sent him to the Daimler-Benz company for the production of aircraft engines, this time in Nová Paka. In February 1945, he was again transferred to the position of a railway worker, but he did not start there and in May 1945 he was liberated. Father Jaroslav Fajman was involved in helping paratroopers from the Silver A airborne force and was arrested in the summer of 1945 after being betrayed. He went through stays at the prison in Mladá Boleslav, in the Small Fortress of Terezín, then he was imprisoned in the Buchenwald concentration camp and finally in Sangerhausen. After the war, Stanislav Fajman graduated from grammar school and then studied medicine in Hradec Králové. He was stationed in Rychnov nad Kněžnou and then in Žamberk. Subsequently, he became a specialist in pulmonary diseases for the districts of Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Náchod and Opočno, later on he became a district doctor in the mountain service in Deštná in the Orlické hory. Finally, he worked at the lung department in Poděbrady and as the head of the lung department in Nymburk. At the time of the interview (2020), he lived in Poděbrady. Stanislav Fajman died on November 28th, 2022.