If I had to wear the last two hairs on my head, they’d be long and in a ponytail

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Zdeněk Hejduk was born on 1 October 1959 in Čáslav. His parents were working class, his mother worked as a seamstress in Pleas, his father as a maintenance worker in a sewage treatment plant. He experienced the occupation of the country by the Warsaw Pact troops as a boy, yet he remembers how stormy the celebrations of the victory of our hockey players over the Soviet Union in 1969 were. Despite his good school grades, he did not want to go to school at first, and he became a wood modeler at ČKD Kutná Hora. Later he graduated from the Secondary Industrial Foundry School in Brno and worked for over 20 years in a non-ferrous metal foundry in Kolín-Zálabí. Throughout his studies he had problems with his long hair. He found out about the demonstrations in November 1989 on his way to a concert of the band Punc. He then followed the revolutionary events mainly in the newspaper Svobodné slovo (Free word). From a young age he enjoyed photography and attended a photography club at the House of Pioneers and Youth. After the revolution, he photographed reports from all editions of the Rock for People music festival. At the time of the filming, in 2024, he was the host of the semi-amateur Radio Patriot’s music programme Hejdukova hudební hodinka (Hejduk’s Music Hour), and since 2015 he has been the director of the Municipal Community Centre in Kolín. He has lived in Kolín since the 1990s.