The oppression of the communist regime exceeds limits along with boundaries

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Kirenia Yalit Núñez Pérez is a member of a crucial movement of the anti-communist opposition comprised of the younger generation in Cuba. She was born in 1981 and has spent her entire life in Havana. She is scarred by the arbitrary detention of her mother, who was convicted of alleged embezzlement. Kirenia sees this chapter as an “alarm clock” and an impulse to join the anti-government movement. She is a psychologist and was once working as a project manager with young people from all around the country at the Center for Psychological and Social Research. This vast experience provided Kirenia with intellectual tools for collaboration in the Cuban Commission for Human Rights and National Reconciliation, led by the acclaimed dissident Elizard Sanchez. In 2014, she started working in the Cuban Youth Discussion Group and has been its coordinator ever since. Kiren aims to raise awareness in the Cuban society of what is really going on and to lead a fundamental change towards democracy. She believes that Cuba is already on the right track for the shift. However, due to the believes she is permanently being persecuted and watched by the State Security.