Ing. Dagmar Váchová * 1938 People helping Jews during WWII, Relative of a political prisoner, Participant in antifascist resistance, Boy Scouts, Sokol and 2 more categories 8. 5. 1945 - End of WWII, 25. 2. 1948 - Communist coup d‘état in ČSR, 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, 17. 11. - 29. 12. 1989 - The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia
Matej Valocký * 1925 †︎ 2019 Political prisoner in WW2, Participant in antifascist resistance, Witnesses of local events connected to WWII, Participant in Czechoslovak resistance during WW2, Prisoner of War/ P.O.W and 1 more categories 1941 - 1945 - Transports to the concentration camps, 29. 8. 1944 - April 1945 - The Slovak National Uprising, 1945 - The liberation of the concentration camps, 8. 5. 1945 - End of WWII
Ing. Zdeňka Valouchová * 1936 Relative of a political prisoner, Participant in antifascist resistance, Svědci lokálních událostí z éry komunismu, Hidden people 1944 - 1945 - The liberation of Czechoslovakia, 5. 1. - 21. 8. 1968 - The Prague Spring, 17. 4. 1969 – A. Dubček’s resignation, start of the “normalisation” period
Nadpraporčík v.v. Václav Valoušek * 1924 †︎ 2020 Czech minority in the former USSR, National minorities, The national, ethnic or religious minorities in Poland, Repatriated, Member of the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps (General Svoboda's army) and 7 more categories Western Ukrainian lands within Poland 1919–1939, 1. 9. 1939 - The outbreak of the WW2, 17.9.1939 - Soviet invasion of Poland , 1941-1944 - Nazi occupation of Ukraine, 22. 6. 1941 – Operation Barbarossa - Nazi attack on the USSR and 7 more anniversaries
Ing., Colonel Pavol Vaněk * 1921 †︎ 2016 Veteran of WW2, eastern front, Participant in antifascist resistance, Participant in Czechoslovak resistance during WW2, National minorities, The Partisan and 2 more categories 29. 8. 1944 - April 1945 - The Slovak National Uprising, 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, 8. 9. – 1. 11. 1944 - The battle of the Dukla Pass, 1944 - 1945 - The liberation of Czechoslovakia, 14. 3. 1939 – The foundation of the Slovak State
Captain (ret.) Vladimír Vaňous * 1927 †︎ unknown Czech minority in the former Yugoslavia, Lidé pomáhající partyzánům během 2. svět. války, National minorities, The Partisan, Repatriated and 5 more categories 6. 4. - 17. 4. 1941 Dubnová válka (Německý útok na Jugoslávii) , 8. 5. 1945 - End of WWII, 25. 2. 1948 - Communist coup d‘état in ČSR, 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, 17. 11. - 29. 12. 1989 - The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia
Karel Vaš * 1916 †︎ 2012 Veteran of WW2, eastern front, Participant in antifascist resistance, Prisoner of a Soviet concentration camp, Gulag, Participant in Czechoslovak resistance during WW2, A collaborator of the Soviet secret service and 5 more categories 29. 9. 1938 - The Munich Diktat, 15. 3. 1939 - The Nazi occupation of ČSR, 25. 2. 1948 - Communist coup d‘état in ČSR, 8. 9. – 1. 11. 1944 - The battle of the Dukla Pass, 1948 - 1955 - Politic lawsuit in the Stalin age and 3 more anniversaries
Antonín Vašek * 1922 †︎ 2012 Holocaust, National minorities, Forced labour during the WW2, Participant in antifascist resistance, Re-emigration of Czechs after 1945 and 4 more categories Western Ukrainian lands within Poland 1919–1939, 17.9.1939 - Soviet invasion of Poland , 1941-1944 - Nazi occupation of Ukraine, 22. 6. 1941 – Operation Barbarossa - Nazi attack on the USSR, 1943 - Conflict between Poles and Ukrainians in Eastern Galicia and Volhynia and 3 more anniversaries
Michal Vasilko * 1924 †︎ 2013 Veteran of WW2, eastern front, Participant in antifascist resistance, The Partisan, Lidé pomáhající partyzánům během 2. svět. války 29. 8. 1944 - April 1945 - The Slovak National Uprising, 1944 - 1945 - The liberation of Czechoslovakia
Mgr. Miloš Vavrečka * 1952 Participant in antifascist resistance, Sokol, Witnesses of local events connected to WWII, Svědci lokálních událostí z éry komunismu Death marches 1944-1945, 30. 5. 1945 – 29. 10. 1946 - Withdrawal of Germans from Czechoslovakia, 5. 1. - 21. 8. 1968 - The Prague Spring, 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, 16. 1. 1969 – Jan Palach´s self-immolation