He lived in the contaminated zone at Chernobyl for five years, then he returned to Bohemia, the land of his ancestors
![Václav Pišl after the military service at the beginning of 1970s](/sites/default/files/2021-11/pisl%20vaclav_2021-11-05_FA_6.jpg)
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Václav Pišl was born on June 29, 1948 in northwestern Ukraine in the village of Malá Zubovština, which fell into the area inhabited by Volhynian Bohemians. Václav´s ancestors came here in the second half of the 19th century. His father fought in World War II under General Ludvík Svoboda, he was captured, but managed to escape and return home. Two of Václav’s uncles also fought, but after the war they took advantage of the offer and stayed in Czechoslovakia. However, Václav and his parents spent his childhood and a substantial part of his life in Malá Zubovština. He visited Czechoslovakia in the 1970s and 1980s. However, he and his family did not want to go there until they learned that they had been living in an area contaminated by the Chernobyl explosion for two years. In 1991, a large number of compatriots from the Chernobyl area moved to Bohemia, others came during the 1990s and after 2000. Václav Pišl moved to Krupka, worked in North Bohemian companies for almost 20 years and then retired. His father was financially rewarded by the Czech government for military service during the war. His daughters found work and started families. Václav Pišl lived in Krupka in 2021 as a happy pensioner, grandfather and great-grandfather, as well as a grateful repatriated citizen of the Czech Republic.