Vlasta Procházková

* 1923

  • "At that time we were brought up in Czech-German spirit, my mother was German." - "We understand that, but how then: Czech-German or Czechoslovak-German?" - "My father said that she mustn't give us any German ideas, didn't he." - "Your mother." - "He was terrible as a legionnaire, he was terribly Czech, wasn't he. And yet he married a German anyway. Because he had to if he crashed her like that." - "And your father was in the legions?" - "Excuse me?" - "Your father was in the legions? You say he was a legionnaire." - "No. Wait, he was. Yeah, he was a legionnaire." - "And which legions, do you know?" - "Well, the Russian ones. He came from the Russian front." - "And that's why he got the civil service job because he was a legionnaire?" - "Yes."

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    Nové Město nad Metují, 16.06.2022

    duration: 42:20
    media recorded in project Příběhy regionu - HRK REG ED
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Her father lost the most of his family in Lezaky

Vlasta Procházková in 1951
Vlasta Procházková in 1951
photo: Archiv pamětníka

Vlasta Procházková, née Št’uliková, was born on 6 November 1923 in Furth im Wald, Bavaria, to a Czech father and German mother. Her father was a former legionnaire and an enthusiastic patriot, working in the financial guard. The children grew up in a bilingual environment and the witness later used her knowledge of German in her job. Vlasta Procházková worked at Ruzyně Airport during the war as part of the total deployment. Some of her father’s relatives joined the resistance in cooperation with the Silver A group. After the war, the witness worked in the textile company Tepna in Nové Město nad Metují as a clerk and translator. Throughout her life, she never lost contact with her German relatives. In 2022, she lived in the Oáza Social Services Centre in Nové Město nad Metuji.