The counter-intelligence officer who tried to make me cooperate brought me to resistance
Vladimír Ptaszek was born on the 24th of June in 1953 in Ostrava. He spent his childhood in the neighbourhood of Poruba. He grew up only with his single mother who worked at the Zárubek mine. He apprenticed as a photographer and then he worked for the Ostrava municipal maintenance and service company. During his compulsory army service, he was pressed by the counter-intelligence to snitch on the other soldiers. His acquaintances were the Charter 77 signatories, Zdeněk Vokatý and Dáša Vokatá, and due to this connection, the State Security started checking him. He would unload wagons of furniture or work as a boilerman. Since his youth, he would do wood carving and at the end of the 1980’s, he started earning his living as a wood carver. He signed the Augustin Navrátil’s petition for religious freedom. He participated in decoration and furnishing of tens of churches. In 2022, he lived and worked in Petřvald in the Karviná region.