Soutěž Příběhy 20. století
Articles (70)
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Žofie Popovičová
* 1923 †︎ 2019
Alena Popperová
* 1932 †︎ 2022
Olga Porkertová
* 1933
František Procházka
* 1931
Karel Růžek
* 1930
PhDr. Eva Ryšavá
* 1937
Relative of a political prisoner, Soutěž Příběhy 20. století, Students who were for political reasons expelled from school
09.09.1944 - The coup d'état of the Motherland Front and the communists coming to power, 1948 - 1955 - Politic lawsuit in the Stalin age, 20. 11. – 3. 12. 1952 – Rudolf Slánský’s trial, 9. 5. 1960 - Amnesty of political prisoners, 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops and 1 more anniversaries