They accused me of being an agent. The Home Secretary apologised to me

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Jiří Svoboda was born on November 18, 1951 in Slaný. His father worked as a carpenter, his mother was a housewife. Both his grandfathers were legionnaires. His paternal grandfather fought in northern Italy. He suffered a war wound in the fighting on the Piave, for which he received the Italian War Cross. Due to the ancestry of both grandfathers, the witness was interested in the World Wars from a young age and collected military uniforms. He graduated from the Agricultural College, but did not join the Youth Union or the Communist Party, so he held secondary school jobs during socialism. After the revolution he founded the Civic Forum in Rakovník. He was accused of being an agent of State Security (StB), but he refuted this accusation. In the 1990s, he went into private business and continued to collect uniforms and other wartime atributes. In 2024 he was living in Rakovník.