Марія Микитка * 1921 †︎ 2012 Ukraine, Member of an Illegal Church, The Deportation of peoples in the Soviet Union, Victim of forced relocation, Relative of a political prisoner
Адлан Адамович Музааев * 1950 Russia, Chechens, Chechen refugees, The Deportation of peoples in the Soviet Union, Victim of forced relocation 23 February 1944 - Deportation of Chechens and Ingushs to Centrall Asia Soviet Republics, 1994 - 1996 - First Chechen war, 1999 - 2009 - Second Chechen war
Надія Григорівна Ратушна (Гасій) * 1941 Ukraine, Victim of forced relocation 1944 - 1947 - Population Transfers from the Ukrainian - Polish Borderlands
Зулай Абуезидовна Сулейманова * 1934 Russia, Chechens, Chechen refugees, The Deportation of peoples in the Soviet Union, Victim of forced relocation
Хабибул Муазович Эскерханов * 1941 Russia, Chechens, Chechen refugees, The Deportation of peoples in the Soviet Union, Victim of forced relocation 23 February 1944 - Deportation of Chechens and Ingushs to Centrall Asia Soviet Republics, 5 January 1957 - Reestablishment of Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Chechen return from deportation, 1994 - 1996 - First Chechen war, 1999 - 2009 - Second Chechen war