Witnesses search result: charta 77

… he met many signatories of charta 77, among others václav havel. …; he met many signatories of charta 77.; has lived in prague …

Professor, ThDr. Milan Balabán

* 1929  †︎ 2019

… one of the first signatory of the charta 77 (charter 77). after 1989, he … such kind of organization before charta 77 … professor, thdr. … …

… 1980s věra and her son signed the charta 77, but both having working class … first time; 1987 věra signed the charta 77 … 1931 … věra … tomanová …

… the democratic opposition. in 1977 she contributed to the … manifesto against the arrest of charta 77 members. in october 1979 … trial of the representatives of charta 77. she took part in the …

… smlouvy 21. srpna 1968. v roce 1977 nastoupil na chomutovské … v roce 1986 se rozvedl a podepsal chartu 77. o dva roky později ho … účastnil se akcí undergroundu i charty 77. na akce během lednového …

… v roce 1979 podepsal prohlášení charty 77. v rámci následných režimních … 1979 podepsal prohlášení charty 77 (tehdy jako pavel kadlec); …

… of solidarity for the members of charta '77 and therefore got dismissed. … of solidarity for the members of charta77; 1979 got dismissed; …

Petruška Šustrová

* 1947  †︎ 2023

… movement. she signed the charter 77 declaration (charta 77) on the christmas eve of … the charter 77 declaration (charta 77) on the christmas eve of …

Miklós Fogarassy

* 1939  †︎ 2013

… of solidarity document of charta 77. he published books on the … of solidarity document of charta 77; 2002– retired; 2013 …