9. 5. 1960 - Amnesty of political prisoners
9. 5. 1960
Articles (203)
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Zdeněk Adamec
* 1934 †︎ 2017
Vladimír Adamíra
* 1963
Věra Albrechtová
* 1932
Miluše Axamitová
* 1929
Jan Beneš
* 1936 †︎ 2007
Götz Biemann
* 1943
Ignác Bilík
* 1920 †︎ 2015
Zuzana Bílková
* 1951
Ilona Bláhová
* 1936
Déclassé, Relative of a political prisoner, Sokol, Students who were for political reasons expelled from school, Sudeten Germans
and 3 more categories