Western Ukrainian Historical Research Center Ukraine Living History The project has these witnesses: Ярослава Гасюк (Крижанівська), Дарія Гусяк, Онуфрій Дудок, Богдан Климчак, Віра Крокіс (Філяк), Надія-Анастасія Ліскевич, Микола Малахівський, Орися Матешук (Грицина), Микола Петрущак, Любомир Полюга and 4 more witnesses Plast living history The project has these witnesses: Ihor Popovych Ігор Попович, Роман Гусак Roman Husak, Лев Лебіщак Lev Lebishchak, Дора Салабан Горбачевська, Мирослав Сипа, Микола Ставничий Mykola Stawnychy, Володимир Шарко A project of the living history “Memory of Fortitude” The project has these witnesses: Yaroslav Tykhyi Ярослав Тихий, Cестра Маркія (Марія) Башинська, Павло Василик, Отець Методій Костюк, Отець Володимир Маргітич, Марія Микитка, Богдан Сенета, Отець Микола Царик Oral History of Lviv The project has these witnesses: Halyna Čabanová, Стефанія-Ольга Депяк, Лєслав Нітка, Михайлина Очерклевич, Ірина Черкес
Ústí nad Labem Czechia Příběhy regionu - Ústecký kraj The project has these witnesses: Kristina Bánovská, Věra Bartošková, Viktor Bejbl, RNDr., CSc. Ivan Beneš, Josef Bezchleba, Milan Bouška, Vladimíra Brůžová, Rostislav Čurda, Josef Eder , Jana Fischerová and 70 more witnesses
Post Bellum SK Slovakia Iron Curtain Stories The project has these witnesses: Viorel Mihail Anghel, Blažena Baborová, Aurel Baghiu, Elena Bobocel (n. Butoi), Siegfried Buchholz, Sibylle Buhn, Josef Cejpek, Alois Čoček, Josef Čoček, Gheorghe Cotorbai and 85 more witnesses Stories of the 20th century The project has these witnesses: Emil Adamčík, Ivan Adame, Helena Aková, Ján Antal, Eva Apfelthaler, Mió Arató, Magda Atlasová Schwarzová, Michal Babej, Sonja Babej-Doelle, Jozef Babiak and 609 more witnesses Memory of Nations Awards 2014 The project has these witnesses: Meomory Of Nations: YES-NO The project has these witnesses: MUDr. Dagmar Urbánková Paměť pohraničí The project has these witnesses: Príbehy 20. storočia - maďarská menšina 2020 The project has these witnesses: Príbehy 20. storočia - česká menšina 2020 The project has these witnesses: Príbehy 20. storočia - poľská menšina 2020 The project has these witnesses: Príbehy 20. storočia - Tipsport 2020 The project has these witnesses: Príbehy 20. storočia - rómska menšina The project has these witnesses: Inconvenient Mobility The project has these witnesses: Mária Bors, Andor Brakus, Petro Dzyndra Петро Дзиндра, Ryszard Gaik, Dieter Groffig, Franz Gruss, Professor, Dr. Hans-Dieter Haim, Oswald Kittel, Stefan Leśków, Professor, Dr. Peter Linhart and 4 more witnesses Memory of our Nations - Never forget our totalitarian heritage The project has these witnesses: Ing. Pavol Abrhan , Ľubomír Badiar, Josef Daniel Beneš, Mgr. Ľubica Blaškovičová, Judit Dénes, Igor Janke, Peter Kulan, Vladimír Michal , Teodóra Mikecz , László Mikecz and 10 more witnesses Shared Memories - Visegrad and South Caucasus The project has these witnesses: Arshak Banuchyan Արշակ Բանուչյան, Baram Baramidze ბარამ ბარამიძე , Dali Chitadze დალი ჩიტაძე, Vakhtang Dzabiradze ვახტანგ ძაბირაძე, Tariel Ghviniashvili ტარიელ ღვინიაშვილი, Arman Grigoryan Արման Գրիգորյան, Karen Hakobyan Կարեն Հակոբյան, Avtandil Imnadze ავთანდილ იმნაძე, Nana Janelidze ნანა ჯანელიძე , Tinatin Japharidze თინათინ ჯაფარიძე and 7 more witnesses ’89 – 30 Years After the Fall of Iron Curtain The project has these witnesses: RNDr. Pavol Bakoš, Zuzana Bartošová, Igor Brossmann , Marian Charukiewcz, Josef Dostál , Jiří Frank, Władysław Frasyniuk, Alicja Grzymalska, Bedřich Hanauer , Mikuláš Huba and 20 more witnesses CINEMASTORIES OF WWII - Documentary films featuring WWII survivors and members of resistance as awareness and educational tools towards unbiased society The project has these witnesses: Juraj Alexander, MUDr. Gabriela Alexandrová, Renate Aris, Ingolf Beyer, Hans Brenner, Christine Bücher, Ivan Crnčić, Pavol Foltýn, Miriam Fried, Pavel Friedmann and 19 more witnesses History defines our future The project has these witnesses: MUDr. Hedviga Forbátová, Eva Gerhardová, Soňa Goldenbergová, Professor, Dr. Benjamin Kedar, Tomáš Lang , Agnesa Langová, Eva Ochodničanová, doc. PhDr. MUDr. CSc. Oliver Rácz, Mgr. Tomáš Róth, Juraj Steiner and 4 more witnesses